The anime series follows a teenage high school girl named hitomi kanzaki, who finds herself pulled from earth to the planet gaea when a boy named van fanel appears at her school during his fight with a dragon. The vision of escaflowne original soundtrack by yoko. Us release of the 2000 japanese animated film escaflowne. Esukafurone, also released under the title escaflowne. Directed by kazuki akane, this beautifully animated adventure features epic music, memorable characters, and an unforgettable love story. The people of gaea think she is the wing goddess, who can call upon the legendary dragon armor called escaflowne.
A dark twist on the original escaflowne, the movie is light on plot and heavy on sulking sadness. Entangled in a struggle over life and death, van must learn to master the suit of armor, escaflowne. Van and hitomi will encounter both allies and enemies in an effort to unlock the secrets within escaflowne, and hitomis heart, stirred by. Four cd soundtracks and a drama cd have also been released in. Hitomi kanzaki is an ordinary high school girl who runs track and has an affinity for. The movie is a complete remake of the original vision of escaflowne. For escaflownes 20th anniversary, join us in creating a new, definitive dub of this classic that finally matches the uncut hd content. Directed by kazuki akane, the film is a retelling of the 26episode anime television series the vision of escaflowne. The escaflowne movie took a small part of the series and magnified it to a degree that unsettled many escaflowne fans including myself, at the time. Shop the vision of escaflowne the movie funimation. The vision of escaflowne first fight of van duration. Escaflowne also advertised as escaflowne the movie. The plot of the movie is similar to the anime, but retold in a way that could fit in a two hour movie as opposed to a one season tv show.
Jun 24, 2000 a grim retelling of the television series the vision of escaflowne. Two more mangas and a novelization were produced later, and the anime was licensed as the vision of escaflowne in the us. There was also a movie released in 2000, which greatly simplified the series mythology and played up its mystical aspects. Apr 28, 2010 escaflowne the movie soundtrack sora especial.
One night, though, her life irrevocably changes for the stranger. While hitomi was never a well rounded deep character, her complete and total lack of anything really stands clear in this. The vision of escaflowne original soundtrack compilation. Though well received, the vision of escaflowne was not as popular in japan as producers hoped. This energist and a blood pact with the king are then used to power. A girl in gaea, is the film adaptation of the vision of escaflowne, animated by studio bones and. During the rite of succession, the incoming king must slay a dragon and withdraw the. Oct 30, 2016 one of the best points about mecha anime is that it is actually hugely diverse.
On gaea, hitomi is both feared and worshipped as the. List of the vision of escaflowne characters wikipedia. In the united states, it outsold gundam on video tape, and the first volume of the english dvd release of the vision of escaflowne was the fourth bestselling anime dvd for the month of september 2000. With the talent of maya sakamoto on vocals and yoko kanno making most of the music and providing vocals this soundtrack is just as epic as its animation. Hacksign opening theme obsession ending theme yasashii yoake single seesaw. Its been over 20 years since the vision of escaflowne first aired, and lets face it, there arent many 20year old anime series you can expect the average anime fan to sit through with ease. A grim retelling of the television series the vision of escaflowne. The result is a film that is much, much more angsty and sorrowful than the original series. Contains the film on bluray with the original english dub, the. Crunchyroll adds prison school, castle town dandelion, escaflowne. But when a vision of a young man battling a dragon becomes a reality, her life changes forever.
Van must learn to master the suit of armor, escaflowne, before he and hitomi are crushed by the ambitions of the empire of zaibach. Naturally i wanted to try out the movie, but i dropped it very fast after discovering how much the characters where altered in a bad way. Andrew francis bandai dub, saffron henderson celena, bandai dub, joel mcdonald funimation dub english. Choose from thousands of dubbed anime and cartoons to watch for free. Jun 24, 2000 take vision of escaflowne, remove all the character development, writing, humor, romance, and action that made the series the classic 90s anime people treat it as, and throw it out the window. Escaflowne original sound track first vision youtube. Watch escaflowne english dub episode list animekisa. Van is the king of fanelia and the pilot of the legendary ispano guymelef escaflowne. The music and parts of the art style save this film. Drawn into a strange vortex with the swordsman, van, hitomi is thrust into the strange world of gaea. With kirby morrow, kelly sheridan, brian drummond, jocelyne loewen.
The vision of escaflowne original soundtrack by yoko kanno. A girl in gaea, is a 2000 anime fantasy film produced by sunrise and animated by studio bones. He is the son of goau fanel and varie fanel, and the younger brother of folken fanel. Her hobbies involved running track for her high school team, fortunetelling, and boys just like everyone else, right. She feels isolated from her friends and family, and wants nothing more than to disappear. Hitomi is a girl with psychic abilities who gets transported to the magical world of gaea. On one hand, there are those who reject it because it bears little resemblance to the original tv series, the vision of escaflowne. The movie was released on june 24, 2000, but bears only a basic resemblance to the original series. A sweeping tale of love and war, the vision of escaflowne was a seminal series that influenced animes worldwide popularity. Escaflowne the movie is a polarizing piece of 90s nostalgia. And with hitomi by his side, van and escaflowne will either lead the world of gaea to harmony, or destruction.
Featuring character redesigns by nobuteru yuki, the film focuses on the relationship between van and hitomi and their personal issues. Royalty or skilled warriors have the privilege of piloting a named guymelef, such as van, allen, and duke freid. Most of the characters present in the tv show are also present in the movie. Oct 25, 2016 funimation is raising funds for the vision of escaflowne. Visions of escaflowne is a wiki for the escaflowne universe. It premiered in japan on april 2, 1996 on tv tokyo, and the final episode aired on september 24. Escaflowne is a beautifully animated movie and its soundtrack is no different. The film was produced by sunrise, animated by studio bones, and directed by kazuki akane. Escaflowne and scherazade use swords, but melefs and guymelefs are also seen with weapons such as lances, bows and arrows, and a ball and chain.
From her melancholy, the otherworldly presence of lord folken is summoned, and she is spirited away to the foreign world of gaea. While i have to admire sunrise to attempt to condense the series for those unfamiliar with it, as well as breathe new life into old. The movie compared to the television series, which was no slouch itself. With shinichiro miki, joji nakata, maaya sakamoto, tomokazu seki. Visions of escaflowne is a wiki for the escaflowne universe the anime series follows a teenage high school girl named hitomi kanzaki, who finds herself pulled from earth to the planet gaea when a boy named van fanel appears at her school during his fight with a dragon. Escaflowne the movie soundtrack sora especial yoko kanno. One day, high school student hitomi kanzaki is accidentally transported from earth to the world of gaea, where she meets the young king van fanel and is caught up in his efforts to unite the countries of gaea against the belligerent zaibach empire. A girl in gaia features kelly sheridan as the voice of hitomi. Escaflowne of the heavens is a 26 episode japanese anime television series produced by sunrise studios and directed by kazuki akane. Funimation is raising funds for the vision of escaflowne. It is traditionally piloted by the king of fanelia. When a young man appears from a beam of light, hitomi kanzaki is whisked away to a world known as gaea.
She and her friends find themselves under attack from the evil zaibach empire, and the guymelf escaflowne provides the key to it all. Kazuki akane, yoshiyuki takei codirector ryota yamaguchi script, kazuki sekine. A girl in gaea, is the film adaptation of the vision of escaflowne, animated by studio bones and released in 2000. A great case in point is the unique anime saga of the vision of escaflowne.
The movie opens with van brutally slaying a group of enemies and hitomi rethinking the decision to hand a suicide note she has written over to her best friend yukari. Similar to several movie spinoffs of a prior anime tv series, escalflowne. Van and hitomi will encounter both allies and enemies in an effort to unlock the secrets within escaflowne, and hitomis heart, stirred by love and adventure, will, at times ache with sorrow. Escaflowne ep the movie 2000 dual audio escaflowne ep the movie 2000 dual audio. Origins and brave story had this problem, and now i can add escaflowne the movie to this list. A few years ago i watched the escaflowne tv series and fell in love with it.
Kelly sheridan bandai dub, caitlin glass funimation dub english hitomi kanzaki, kanzaki hitomi is the protagonist of the vision of escaflowne, appearing an ordinary schoolgirl with a crush on her trackteam friend, amano. Van fanel van fanel baan faneru is the deuteragonist of the vision of escaflowne and escaflowne. Escaflowne and scherazade use swords, but melefs and guymelefs are also seen with weapons such as lances, bows and arrows, and a. While on gaea, hitomi discovers a new power that could help van save the world and get her home. One of the best points about mecha anime is that it is actually hugely diverse. In the escaflowne movie, folken is the movies main antagonist and rewritten as the leader of zaibach. The movie, more anime to catalog mar 30, 2018 the vision of anncastaflowne apr 17, 2015 anime spotlight inari kon kon jan. Oct 07, 2016 escaflowne ep the movie 2000 dual audio escaflowne ep the movie 2000 dual audio. Embroiled in war against the evil empire of zaibach, soldiers fight in armored mechas known as guymelefs.
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